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Marshfield Fire & Rescue
Description: New Construction
Building Size: 28,000 square feet
Year Constructed: 2010
Location: Marshfield, WI
Architect: Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH)
Chippewa Falls, WI
APEX Design Services:
Gold LEED Certification
Geothermal heating & cooling system
High efficiency gas-fired boilers provide hot water for in-floor heating system
Energy recovery ventilation systems for office and apparatus areas with demand controls
Central temperature control system with capabilities to measure building gas and electricity usage
Photovoltaic (PV) panels to reduce electrical demands
Automatic daylighting controls
LED lighting throughout
30,000 gallon rain water retention tank for truck filling, washing and testing
Gray water system
Solar domestic water heater system
Fixtures provided with dual-flush valves with solar backup
Solar faucets
High efficiency, low-flow plumbing fixtures
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